SBI! Reviews: Local Business
Update #7

In the 8 years I've been working the SBI! system I've learned so much about how the internet works. I have also learned that creating and sticking to a plan until it's done makes all the difference between surviving and thriving.

business in a box has grown so much that we added two more staff members this past year. Pretty amazing given the overall economy in the last couple of years.

Each time I take the leap and add another staff person, it's scary. What if they cost more than they return? But they never do. By following our plan and working towards our goals, each new employee results in more growth for us.

One of the SBI! principles that we're really focusing on this year is building quality inbound links. (Spewing regurgitated content all over the internet will never get you anywhere.) Our high-quality content pulls in links from sites with excellent authority, which helps us to rank higher at the Search Engines. We now beat our #1 competitor for our top 5 keywords.

On a personal note, in spite of two significant downturns in the US economy, I am still blessed with the good fortune of calling Anguilla my home. Here I can enjoy my favorite pastimes, like kite surfing and travelling, and run a multi-staff business at the same time.

To use a cliche, I really am living the dream. Thanks SBI!.

Judson Burdon
Loyalty International Ltd.